Artist Letter

This morning I received the letter below from an old friend, it’s basically tearing me off a strip, but hey ho, I do my best, but you know what they are so right.

Good Morning JanD

I have to write this letter to you as I think you have a couple of problems that need sorting out, now don’t get me wrong your art is really good it’s the way you go about it that I have the problem with.

As you are very creative, I understand how you bounce around from one project to the next without finishing the previous one, this is not on and we seriously need to change it.

I don’t know where to start with you, in the past I have tried to convince you to stick with one project at a time and you have just ignored my advice which, trust me, would benefit you no end.

So, once you have read this letter I hope you will be ready to act on my advice, at the end of the day I am only trying my very best to help you, so listen to me.

I have been thinking a lot about this problem and I honestly think you should sort out a calender and make it your ‘Artist Jobs To Finish/Goal Bowl’ call it what you like, but make one a.s.a.p.

Put on this calender the project you are working on and the end date for it to finish and stick to it, DO NOT START ANYTHING ELSE UNTIL IT’S FINISHED, do you understand? have you got it?

I will be checking up on your progress along the way and hope you have taken notice of my helpful advice.

If I find you have started another project before finishing the one you are currently doing, I will be forced to take further action.

So, go, finish the Rievaulx Bank pastel drawing, set a date and I will be reviewing it.

Lots of Love

Your subconscious mind



  1. No no no. You can’t be an artist to any schedule. One day your unfinished works will be worth a fortune. Ignore it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like it, my, but your subconscious is strict with you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh I loved your post. It is very important for us to listen to ourselves (Subconscious), which we often forget.

    Thanks for reminding me to do the same.


    Liked by 1 person

  4. life as sirli says:

    I’m the same,..I have quite fiew unfinished pieces. I just get so many ideas all the time and hurry to put them on paper so I wouldn’t forget them

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is quite very straight forward. I hope your subconscious-self and you are now working fine together. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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