Merry Christmas

I just can’t believe how fast this year has gone. I had plans to do so much, instead I just feel so tired, I have an under active thyroid now which is making me tired the whole time, hopefully the tablets will kick in soon and I will have some energy back.

Well it’s Christmas Eve and for the first time ever we have no decorations up due to family illness, it doesn’t feel like Christmas at all.

So, I just want to wish all my friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I hope next year is better for everyone xxx


Artist On Hold

I haven’t been around lately, unfortunately life takes over and we have to go with the flow.

I am already a carer for my mum and recently my uncle has taken a turn for the worse so we have been back and forth over the hospital, there has been so much to do we are physically and mentally exhausted, so I haven’t had time to do anything else, hopefully everything will ease down a bit and I can get back to my life.

Knackered Artist – I wish I was hear right now…

KJ Surfin

The Infinity Love Dreams Award

Infinity Dreams Award

I have been nominated for an award by Sabine at incahootswithmuddyboots how nice is that, thank you Sabine.

I’ve put it on a page along the menu bar or you can click here to read about it.

Poll Results

UpdateThank you to all those that voted on my poll.

The winner of the poll was: ‘Lessons’.

More Lessons will be added over the coming months, I hope you stick around and enjoy them 🙂

Artistic Poll

UpdateOnly 3 days left for our poll to run and it looks like so far you want more drawing lessons, well that’s great, lets see what happens in the next 3 days 🙂

Top 5 Reasons To Become An Artist

Why would anyone want to take up art?

Some people would just say I wish I could draw like that and never even try to draw anything themselves, but the only way to become any good at anything is to practice. A friend of mine once said to me ‘you are born with a gift’, but I don’t know about that, I think everyone has to practice and learn everything they can on their chosen craft to be good at it.

When we are very young all children draw and colour in their books, so we all did it once upon a time, we just have to learn and practice to improve. How many people retire and take up art? It seems to be the in thing to do as we age and why not, I think it is the most relaxing hobby ever and time just flies when I am drawing.

So, here are 5 good reasons to take up art and become an Artist, give it a go you may surprise yourself.

  1. Friends – if you are struggling to draw then why not join an art class to learn and improve your drawings. You will meet lots of new people and make some good friends who are mostly in the same position as you, I used to go to an evening art class and it was a great night out and I made lots of new friends, plus when you are all in the same boat in can build your confidence which is a good feeling.
  2. Interesting Subjects – this is a great reason to take up art, you can grab your camera and go out and about finding lots of interesting subjects to draw and paint, you can also go through all your old holiday photos or why not draw your pets. We spend days out in wooded areas taking great photos of wildlife and trees plus we take a picnic, it makes a good day out. What about drawing people, you could visit friends and family and grab some photos of them, I am sure they would be delighted to be drawn by you.
  3. Very Proud – so you are learning to draw, you will know when you are improving because people start to comment on how fabulous your drawings are and how they wish they could do it, this will make you very proud of yourself, it is a great confidence booster. If your drawings are still not how you want them, then learn from peoples comments to improve your technique.
  4. Exhibit – so, you have finally managed to draw something brilliant, your next step could be to enter it into an exhibition, there are plenty of them around you just have to do a little bit of searching. You spend a lot of time learning and you finally got your drawing how you want it, so why not sell it and make some money – go for it you can do it.

Have A Great Day 😉

Artist Chill-Out

What do I do when I’m not writing for my blog?

I usually draw using my pastel pencils or sketching for my sister blog ‘Pencil Sketching’. Once I get started drawing I can lose roughly 4 hours where I am so engrossed in what I am doing, this is also the point when my body tells me to stop drawing and take a break as I start to lose concentration.

So, to refresh myself I will wander out into the garden and check on my vegetables and plants. This year I have had a good crop of:

  • beans
  • tomatoes
  • lettuce
  • chillies
  • strawberries
  • potatoes

I love food from the garden it tastes so much better than shop bought items.

Fun Time

For fun we make novelty birthday cakes, it’s a great chill-out, KJ loves electronics and is very good at decorating the cakes.

This cake is one we did last month in August for my brothers birthday.

The Cake Theme – we all play a game on our Ipads called ‘Clash of Clans’ – maybe you have heard of this game – the cake is based on a very high level town hall, KJ wired it up so there were lights and the sounds of the game playing.

We were very pleased with how it came out and needless to say, my brother was over the moon with it, the whole cake when it was finished weighed 19.5 llb including batteries – very heavy and very yummy 😉


Inspiration through my thoughts, experiences and travels


break or make

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